Saturday, August 6, 2016

Badlands National Park

Badlands National Park is on the way to Mt. Rushmore from the east so, even though it really wasn't on anybody's bucket list, ( and that senior pass saved us the $15.00 entry fee ) we stopped to take a look.
This is a smallish park as National Parks go whose claim to fame is the water washed wind blown rock formations and canyons. There is also a Bison herd residing in the grassland in and around the park as well as Big Horn sheep and Prairie Dogs. I only recall seeing one Bison that was too far away for smart phone photography and Prairie Dogs are too small so the Sheep will have to do. We did however take a walk guided by numbered poles so I got pretty good pictures of the rock formations. So with all the disclaimers out of the way, I'll leave the description of the Badlands to the Badlands.

I give Google Photos partial credit for this shot. They stitched 3 photos together for this panorama.

No self respecting desert looking place would be without one of these.

This one was taken from our campsite just after the thunder storm.

Along the guided post walk.

Ran out of posts.

I don't remember.

More Google magic.

Two days here in the still 90 plus heat was enough so we spread our wings yet again and headed west. Next time, Sunday afternoon entertainment, Till then we are C & L On The Road.

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