Saturday, July 9, 2016

On The Road (at last)

The day finally arrived, June 28th 2016. We had worked on final touches, minor repairs, and loading everything we would need for the next year into our 18.5 foot fifth wheel. Well almost everything. As I write this, about a week and a half later, we have listed missing items ranging from several cooking pans to a rain coat, not to mention the 1st aid supplies we had accumulated over the past year or so.
Anyway you get the idea.

Don't we look ready?

Note to self; four pm is not a good time to leave. I decided to take the scenic route across US 50, my second mistake of the day, which would provide very few places to stop for the night. During our dinner stop, about 2 hours into day 1, I used to locate a suitable place to stop for our 1st night on the road and about an hour later I missed it completely. Day became evening and evening became night and finally about 10 pm a small shopping center in Romney WV. became a suitable and welcome parking area. Travels on day 2 began around 11 am after breakfast and trip into the Family Dollar for a few things on forgot list. I forgot about scenic routes this time and we arrived in Virginia Beach Va. around 5 pm.

We spent five nights in the driveway of a very generous family member. We ran around town, went shopping, and saw a supper fireworks show over a private lake put on by her son. And somehow I didn't get a single picture of the beach.

July 5th came and we continued in a southerly direction to make a long promised visit to friend. Never mind that the temperatures are hovering near 100 and we don't have air conditioning (this was supposed be spring) a promise is a promise. We decided to stop for a night in North Carolina before venturing on to the other Carolina and my next post will be all about that stop, and I promise some pictures. Until then we are C & L really on the Road.

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