Monday, June 20, 2016


After eight months of replacing water damaged wood and upgrading the little fifth wheel we took it on a week long shakedown trip. Since we prefer to camp in somewhat remote areas (boondocks) we we drove about an hour to the AEP ReCreation Land.
This is a 60,000 acre former strip mine area open to the public for recreation at no charge although a free permit is required. The seven well maintained designated campgrounds provide 380 individual campsites. Although there are primitive toilets and hand pumped water at all the campgrounds, there are no RV hook ups or dump sites in this area.

Bicentennial campground

The 350 lakes and ponds provide ample opportunities for fishing and canoeing. If you would rather hike, bike, or ride a horse there are places to do those things also.

As for the little fifth wheel, which I have unofficially dubbed "Downsized" since 18.5 feet is down from the 53 feet I used to pull, all the systems worked. Is there some room for improvement here and there? Sure. A step to provide easier access to the bedroom is on the list as well as a new shower head. I'm going to look at the water piping into the fresh water tank in effort to reduce the sucking of air. And another solar panel on the roof will reduce the battery charge time.

Maybe you make out the 2 panels currently on the roof

The only thing I found (so far) that I absolutely didn't get right was the installation of the shower floor pan. It is low in the back corner which allows water to puddle to a point that it leaks. That will have to be fixed before we venture out again.

The addition of a solar panel is more for insurance than necessity. We had only five hours of sun at this campsite and constant four amp draw (which will be eliminated) and could not quite keep up with consumption. I think the added panel will take care of that scenario.

All in all I am happy with the shakedown. The Chevy 4.3 litter v6 pulled Downsized very well. The trailer pulls easily with no off tracking and the electric brakes work just fine. A few finishing touches and a oil change and we will be  C&L On The Road again.

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